
Showing posts with the label grammar

ranting about real estate grammar. There is no reason for their ignorance. They're going to have to learn sometime.

I look at over 100 houses a day.  Not in person, that would be impossible, but online.  It's a rapid click through photos for my multiple buyers to determine if this house, in that area, is a fit.  IF the photos are good (and that's a giant IF because sometimes they look like THIS).... But if they're half-way decent photos then I go read the descriptions. And sometimes they go like this: Your going to love living hear. You're future kitchen features stainless steal appliances. Their moving to Canada and can't take all of there belongings, so the pool table is available. So, here's a quick lesson on how to use common real estate words. If they are going to do something and you don't want to type "they are" it's THEY'RE.   For example: They're having the carpets cleaned after their chinchilla threw up.   If they have something that they possess that they would like to feature it's THEIR.  For example: Their teenage basem...