...reversing roles. My son's a Cub Scout. This, traditionally, is a father/son activity. Has been forever. Will be forever. But, in our family, it's not. Scouting just isn't something Steve's into. And that's fine. Our troop is made up of some incredible parents (moms and dads alike) that don't make Connor feel bad at all that his mom is more involved than his dad in scouting. And so, tonight was the pinewood derby race. A couple of weeks ago we had the cutout night. This was held in one of the dad's ultimate "man-cave" woodshop. The boys learned about saw safety and Connor designed and cut out his own car - Posideon's Fury. He sanded it, painted it and (with a little help from mom) got it weighted down and graphited up for the big competition. But on Sunday (weigh in was Tuesday) Connor mentioned that parents could build cars and race them. I, looking at my insane schedule, immediately wrote him off. But then...
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