....celebrating Christmas.

So, here it is.  Our first Christmas where one of us has a truly, live in, significant other.   And, it's good.  Seriously, very good.  We planned to go to the zoo (Kids+Me+Ex), which is our family tradition when it's ridiculously nice outside on Christmas (bad weather = museum).  But, his girlfriend got off early so instead of the four of us, it turned into Kids+Me+Ex+Ex's Girlfriend+Ex's Girlfriend's Three Kids+Ex's Girlfriend's First Ex-Husband's Sister.  And it was great.  Lots of laughter, lots of intermingling of my kids (11 & 12) with the little ones (4, 6 & 8), chatting between the various adults...

Must give kudos to the Denver Zoo.  I have a Family Plus membership and they let me add my ex so that we could get in with any kids that live in our household(s) and a guest could always come in free as well, plus they made up a "nanny" card for the Ex's Girlfriend so she can take the kids in the future.   My pediatrician's office can't figure out how to deal with divorced parents, but the zoo truly rocked it today.

The schedule for our holiday:  Christmas Eve Day - all blended and crazy; Christmas Eve Night - lobster bisque and cheesecake with just the kids and I; Christmas Morning until 10 - stockings, presents and breakfast with just the kids and I and then the Ex comes at 10 to take them to the Girlfriend's Parent's House and then I'll meet up with them at 5ish at the Ex's Parent's House after I go see a double feature (I'm thinking True Grit and Black Swan).   

I know it's not for everyone...and every divorce is different...but, for me, this is shaping up to be the most perfect Christmas.  We'll see if the Ex's Cousins can deal with all this modern family insanity. 


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