Finding my way.

I lost my creativity, completely, with the pandemic. It's starting to come back bit by bit as we move from pandemic to potential world war, I think just because, truly, what is the other option? To stay in a state of languishing forever? Life continued during the pandemic so why can't creativity? The transition back didn't come through writing. Instead, I was lucky enough to be gifted a hand-me-down camera from my uber-talented professional photographer dad. Wandering the dusty county roads in my new/old home town was a pandemic safe activity filled with more scenery than most people probably think exists in Western Nebraska. And, I love it. I am so happy, content, quiet, wandering with my dog. If you told me that we were going for a hike, I'd probably tell you to "take a hike". Instead, I'll go on a photo jaunt for hours as long as I have a camera and there might be something interesting to take pictures of. The discovery of this creative quadrant in my brain has reawoken the desire to write and to play the piano. For now, I'm flirting with the idea of selling photos and because I move from flirting to commitment very quickly I went ahead and built a website on a free day this week. We'll see if anything becomes of it.
Feel free to check it out Finding May Way Photography here.


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